Member from Aug 28, 2023
Table of Content
👋 hi everyone
i’m French 🇫🇷, i like web, network, blockchain, malwares, data and hacking … i do fullstack engineering
, so also frontend
, ui/ux
, seo
, backend engineering
. Also i know how to build decentralized apps
in golang. actually i know how to code in: golang, vlang, svelte, c#, javascript, typescript, php, python and sql.
func (m *Me) Work(work any) error {
switch work.(type) {
case Seo:
return m.Do(w)
if you also want to see my codebase you can go to my Github
Stack ?
- Golang
- Php
- Python
- NodeJs
- React
- Svelte / SvelteKit
- Plain html/css
- Tailwindcss
- Figma
- Mysql
- Postgresql
- Mariadb
- Sqlite
My Personal Stack
my personal stack is GOST (GOlang SvelteKit Tailwindcss), i use it because it’s blazingly fast and really easy to maintain
My works ?
My GoSvelt framwork is made in golang and can be the perfect tool for the GOST stack here you have an example of svelte pages compiled and served by GoSvelt (this way is more 10 time faster than sveltekit but under development)
func main() {
r := gosvelt.New()
r.Svelte("/", "./static/App.svelte", func(c *gosvelt.Context, svelte gosvelt.Map) error {
return c.Html(200, "./static/index.html", svelte)
r.AdvancedSvelte("/adv", "./static/", "App.svelte", func(c *gosvelt.Context, svelte gosvelt.Map) error {
return c.Html(200, "./static/index.html", svelte)
}, gs.SvelteConfig{
Typescript: false,
Tailwindcss: true,
Pnpm: true,
This beautiful blog
yeah i know it’s incredible but i made this amazing and blazingly fast blog (note: this was made with sveltekit and tailwindcss and each post or author page you will see is markdown)
Contact Me
you can send me an email at idalxprime@gmail.com, but i’m not really reactive on gmail so you can also contact me on my discord: asprime